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Juan Seguin Band
Booster Board 23-24

President: Mindy Marshall
Vice President: Canessa Acosta
Treasurer: Collin Nance
Secretary: Candais Hale


Click "Volunteer" to be directed to the Arlington ISD Volunteer Application.


If you have questions about the Band Boosters please click "Connect."

About Us

Juan Seguin High School Band Booster Association of Arlington is an unincorporated nonprofit association who strives to support all of the band program needs.  The Band Boosters are parents of one or more members of the Cougar Band, and they typically meet in the Band Hall on the second Tuesday of every month at 7:00 PM (dates and times subject to change). 

As parents, we all act to insure the success of the Cougar Marching Band. Some of the support is through riding buses as chaperones,   towing the trailers with all of the band equipment, and helping out with various fundraisers throughout the year. The Band Boosters have a lot of fun in the process.


Amazon Smile- If you shop on Amazon, please clink on the Amazon Smile logo to be directed to a page to set up your Amazon purchases that the band boosters will get credit for your purchases. Amazon will donate 0.5% of your purchase to the band boosters if you shop through the Smile program. 


Kroger Rewards- Kroger has a program that allows not for profit organizations like ours to sign up for community rewards. We have done this and our organization number is 84102. If you have a Kroger Rewards card, you can choose to allow the Band Boosters to get credit for most items you buy at Kroger. Follow the instructions by clicking the Kroger logo to help help the band boosters earn real money. It does not cost anything to sign up!

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© Copyright by Juan Seguin Band   

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7001 Silo Road

Arlington, Texas 76002

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